Ship Hatch Inspection and Hatch Cover Inspection


The purpose of the Ship Warehouse Surveillance service is to ensure that the cargo carried by the ship is transported in good quality, undamaged, that is, as it is loaded. Buyers or sellers can benefit from the "Ship Warehouse Inspection" service before loading.

Within the scope of Ship Hold Surveillance, the following parts are controlled:

- Whether the ship to be transported is free from any traces of paint that may cause the product to change color or deteriorate. - Remains of old transported products, etc., including inaccessible areas of the ship interior. whether
- Whether there is any flammable point in the environment in case of transporting dangerous goods
- Whether there is a situation that will put the cargo carried in the ship at risk.

As a result, the cleanliness of the ship is controlled within the scope of "Ship Hold Inspection". Apart from cleaning, "Handhold Cover Inspections" are also applied.

Within the scope of the hatch cover inspections, the hatch covers are watertight and in good condition, and any damage that may cause a hole or leak is checked.

We can help you with "Ship Hatch Inspection and Hatch Cover Inspection".

Contact us for more information.


Apply for Ship Hatch Inspection and Hatch Cover Inspection