Vegan Product Certification


Veganism has become a lifestyle that attracts attention and is adopted day by day. We call it a lifestyle. Because veganism is not only a diet, but also requires being selective in all the products we use.

By adopting veganism, it is necessary to question the products we use not only in food products, but also in all areas of our lives such as cosmetics, hand sanitizers, perfumes, cleaning products, textile products, furniture. With the rise of veganism, many sectors have started to produce vegan versions of their products.

- Vegan Food
- Vegan Cosmetics
- Vegan Perfume
- Vegan Hand Sanitizer
- Vegan Cleaning Products
- Vegan Textile Products
- Vegan Furniture

All the products we mentioned above have to prove their vegan claims. If a product is to be sold as vegan, it must prove that it does not contain any animal ingredients. It must go through certain analysis and testing processes. A product may receive a Vegan Label when test results and inspection procedures are evaluated.

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