Importance of “7.1.6 Corporate Information” Clause of ISO 9001:2015
7.1.6 The Organizational Information clause is included in the 2015 edition of ISO 9001. Clause 7.1.6 is necessary to ensure that processes are maintained and compliance is maintained. This article highlights how valuable the information acquired over time is for companies and how it should be protected.
7.1.6 The details of the Corporate Information article are as follows:
The organization should identify the information necessary to operate its processes and achieve conformity of products and services.
This information should be protected and accessible to the extent necessary.
When addressing needs and trends of change, the organization should consider current knowledge and add any necessary additional information.
Article 7.1.6 emphasizes the importance of identifying, protecting and making available the information necessary to operate processes and ensure conformity in products and services. This item is important to ensure competitive advantage and operational excellence in the market. Can optimize processes by leveraging organizational knowledge and previous experience and relevant external knowledge.